Service Updates: 7 Airport
If you have any issues regarding accessibility, please contact us through the Triplinx Feedback Form
From 10/2/2024 9:33 am to 5/31/2027 11:59 pm
7 North - Stop 2002 on Eglinton Ave east of Tomken Rd is out of service for long term construction. Use stop 2012 at Maingate Dr 185 metres east.
Affected route(s)
1 Dundas MiWay
towards Dundas St At Winston Churchill Blvd / Kipling Terminal Platform 16
towards Laird Rd West Of Ridgeway Dr / South Common Centre Bus Terminal Platform A
10 Bristol MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Platform J
101 Dundas Express MiWay
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 4
towards Laird Rd West Of Ridgeway Dr / South Common Centre Bus Terminal Platform B
103 Hurontario Express MiWay
towards Brampton Gateway Terminal Drop Off
towards Queensway At Trillium Hospital
107 Malton Express MiWay
towards Humber College North Campus Platform 1 / Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform I
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
108 Financial Express MiWay
towards Argentia Rd At Creditview Rd
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 6
109 Meadowvale Express MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 14
11 Westwood MiWay
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform B
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 5
110 University Express MiWay
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Platform L
towards Clarkson Go Station Platform 9 / South Common Centre Bus Terminal Platform C / University Of Toronto At Mississauga Campus
13 Glen Erin MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards Clarkson Go Station Platform 4
14 Lorne Park MiWay
towards Port Credit Go Station Platform 7
towards Clarkson Go Station Platform 8
15 Drew MiWay
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform A
towards Cardiff Blvd East Of Tomken Rd
16 Malton MiWay
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Drop Off
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Drop Off
20 Rathburn MiWay
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 12
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
22 Finch MiWay
towards Humber College Blvd At Etobicoke Hospital
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform F
23 Lakeshore MiWay
towards Long Branch Go Station Platform A
towards Clarkson Go Station Platform 7
24 Northwest MiWay
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform A
towards Commerce Blvd At Renforth Station
25 Traders Loop MiWay
towards Matheson Blvd East Of Hurontario St
26 Burnhamthorpe MiWay
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Platform L / Kipling Terminal Platform 15
towards South Common Centre Bus Terminal Platform K
28 Confederation MiWay
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
towards Queensway At Trillium Hospital
29 Park Royal MiWay
towards South Common Centre Bus Terminal Platform I
towards Clarkson Go Station Platform 8
3 Bloor MiWay
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 11
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
30 Rexdale MiWay
towards Rexdale Blvd At Islington Ave
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform E
302 Philip Pocock SS MiWay
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
304 Father Goetz SS MiWay
towards Confederation Pky At Central Pky
307 Philip Pocock SS MiWay
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 6
towards Tomken Rd At Philip Pocock Secondary School
314 Rick Hansen SS MiWay
towards Creditview Rd At Bristol Rd
towards Dream Crest Rd At Rick Hansen Secondary School
315 Rick Hansen SS MiWay
towards Dream Crest Rd At Rick Hansen Secondary School
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
321 Stephen Lewis SS MiWay
towards Thomas St At St Joan Of Arc Secondary School
towards Artesian Dr East Of Half Moon Grove
35 Eglinton MiWay
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 3
towards Churchill Meadows Community Centre
36 Ridgeway MiWay
towards Winston Churchill Station East Platform 5
towards South Common Centre Bus Terminal Platform F
38 Creditview MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards Cooksville Go Station Platform 6
39 Britannia MiWay
towards Renforth Station East Platform 7
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
4 North Service Road MiWay
towards Sherway Gardens Bus Terminal Platform A
towards Cooksville Go Station Platform 7
42 Derry MiWay
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform H
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
43 Matheson MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards Skymark Ave At Commerce Blvd
44 Mississauga Road MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards University Of Toronto At Mississauga Campus
45 Winston Churchill MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards Clarkson Go Station Platform 8
46 Tenth Line MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards Erin Mills Station West Platform 3
48 Erin Mills MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards South Common Centre Bus Terminal Platform E
49 McDowell MiWay
towards Erin Mills Town Centre Bus Terminal Platform B / Streetsville Go Station Platform 3
towards Mcdowell Dr At Churchill Meadows Blvd
5 Dixie MiWay
towards Cardiff Blvd At Khalsa Dr
towards Long Branch Go Station Platform A
51 Tomken MiWay
towards Bramalea Go Station Platform 12
towards Stanfield Rd At 2530 Stanfield Rd
53 Kennedy MiWay
towards Hurontario/407 Park And Ride Platform A
towards Cooksville Go Station Platform 5
57 Courtneypark MiWay
towards Commerce Blvd At Renforth Station
towards Mclaughlin Rd At Sheridan College Dr
6 Credit Woodlands MiWay
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
towards Dundas St West Of Erindale Station Rd
61 Mavis MiWay
towards Sheridan College Brampton Campus
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Platform E
66 McLaughlin MiWay
towards Sheridan College Brampton Campus
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
68 Terry Fox MiWay
towards Creditview Rd North Of Britannia Rd
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
7 Airport MiWay
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform C
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
70 Keaton MiWay
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 6
towards Milverton Dr West Of Hurontario St
71 Sheridan MiWay
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 6
towards Plymouth Dr At Winston Churchill Blvd
73 Kamato MiWay
towards Ambler Dr At Kamato Rd
towards Dixie Station West Platform B
8 Cawthra MiWay
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
towards Port Credit Go Station Platform 6
9 Rathburn MiWay
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Drop Off
towards Churchill Meadows Community Centre
90 Terragar-Copenhagen Loop MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
306 Streetsville SS MiWay
towards Joymar Dr At Tannery St
towards Winterton Way At Mavis Rd
313 Streetsville SS MiWay
towards Meadowvale Town Centre Drop Off
towards Tannery St At Joymar Dr
74 Explorer MiWay
towards Commerce Blvd At Renforth Station
towards Dixie Station West Platform B
17 Hurontario MiWay
towards Hurontario/407 Park And Ride Platform A
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Platform D
2 Hurontario MiWay
towards City Centre Transit Terminal Platform D
towards Port Credit Go Station Platform 8
18 Derry MiWay
towards Westwood Square Bus Terminal Platform H
towards Mclaughlin Rd At Sheridan College Dr
126 Burnhamthorpe Express MiWay
towards Kipling Terminal Platform 13
towards University Of Toronto At Mississauga Campus
31 Ogden MiWay
towards Dixie Mall Bus Terminal Platform B
towards Lakeshore Rd At Long Branch Go Station